This past weekend Yours Truly ventured up North-West to the quaint seas-side resort of Yyteri, famous for its sandy dunes and sunshine. The latter was, alas, in very short supply this time. I did manage to "get rid of my Winter Fur", as they say in these parts, on the first day; come the second day, a steady and chilling wind pushed in from the sea, making the idea of a dip into the drink even less appealing.
The first day our team "Monttu Auki", i.e. "Slack Jaw", played 5 games, losing only one. That placed us in the Top Four (out of 24 teams) and in the Semi-Finals! The rest of the evening was reserved for some well-earned R&R, naturally...
Our first semi-final match was quite a disaster, but the fact is that we lost for a (much) better team, so the losing was not totally our fault. After some practice and resting, we went into the Bronze Fight well prepared to work for that Medal the best we could. And it was a good fight; they gave us a good run for our money, but in the end we exited the Pit as winners, scoring 10 to 8. Thus we earned our first ever Bronze for our Polli team. And by Bronze Medal I mean a cheap red children's sand shovel...
for a good drive...
And then some more silly games were played:
convened to ponder next season's Silly Sunglasses.
Also present was the omni-present Ministry of Silly Faces
and Stoopid Gang Signs:
That concludes this Reportage from the Western Shore. Bronze was a good and well-earned achievement, but did leave something more to desire for next year...
Your Truly &c,
Paddlewick, Esq, Society Flying Disc Coordinator, Bronze Medalist
Your Truly &c,
Paddlewick, Esq, Society Flying Disc Coordinator, Bronze Medalist
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