Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cabin Fever

This past Weekend was a long Holiday Weekend here in the Northern parts. As the Summer Solstice draws near, the locals start to dream of bucolic get-aways, grilled meat and civilized drinking! As did yours truly, and fortunately a friend had indeed reserved a true Log-Cabin a mere 45 km from the Hustle & Bustle of the City, yet deep in a National Park, on a small lake, and with it's own Sauna! Gung-ho, then, I had Jeeves pack the equipment and secure them to my new/old trusty Velocipede "Nopsajalka" (Quickfoot), seen here:

The last 10+ km on gravel roads
in rain, with practically no
brakes, were a trifle difficult,
I must say!

The Cabin has no Electricity; the only fairly modern contraption was a small gas stove. Other than that, it was all about Wood-Logs and Lamp-Oil:

There were some nice Man-made and Natural details of Architecture:

Breakfast is served!

Fishing in the lake gave no result, but at
least some pretty Lilly-pads were found.

Of course there was nawt else
to do but bask
in the Sun all day...

Contrary to popular belief,
the Sun does not shine 24
hours a day even in these
parts; rather this
is the Mid-night Full Moon!

The trip was a success, especially after the Rain petered out after the first day. Thank Yous for all, and especially the organizer, Monsieur Ly, Esq, are in order!

Happy Summer Holidays for all!

Paddlewick, Society Cabin Inspector

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