Sunday, March 25, 2007

Wensworth jotting down a few observations on
his Note-Book, at riverside Bårgeaux

Tidinges from sunny Bargo

Dear exploratory fellowes,

hearty greetings by Paddlewick & Yours Truly from the heart of the quaint historickal centre of the township of Bargo. Despite the promising name, few establishments of dubious but desirable pleasures have presented their facades to us; instead, turned away by the famed Culinary Palace of Molluscian Delightes, the setting sun finds us sipping beer - or, in P's case, the juice of Eve's fruit - on the riverside.

Illustrated accompaniments will follow as soon as my good Jeeves manages to finish with his furious scribblings.

Wensworth, FHMSSE

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Good points on the previous entry, old chap.
I would almost want to suggest a separate, but almost equal "Territorial Points" system. They would / could perhaps count as a 'bonus' to the motherland, or 1/2 point, or just a Territorial Point.

So, in practice, we could file various ambiguous locations under this system, and they would be recognized as such.

A Territory could be a place that is a) geographically far from the 'Mainland', and/or b) culturally rather different. Thus even the Åland Islands could be counted as a Finnish Territory Point for, say, an American gentleman visiting. Likeways Guam, or Puerto Rico, would be bonuses 'added' to one's U.S. point...

What say ye?

Ta ta!