Sunday, October 29, 2006

Wensworth reports

Dear Gentlemen, and dear, dear regrettably few Gentleladies of the Society;

In the interests of maintaining the hallowed traditions of the SS&E, your wayward fellow retroactively reports of his recent visit to the charming, rustic, and most historickal realm of Slovenia.

As each and one of us certainly knows, once in a while one hits a blue note, a brown study, and any number of other curiously colored abstractions; to put it shortly, one realizes that one's stay in one place has exceeded all reasonable expectations, one requires the fresh breeze of the far oceans, the gentle zephyrs of unseen mountains, one must stir from one's stagnation, air one's hide, shake off the gathered dust in order to acquire renewed appreciation of one's surroundings.

Often this may be the case even without the unwelcome attentions of the various leech and pest nattering of the trifling expenses one has incurred and whose expunction one has sensibly postponed to relieve the poor noggin of undue stress.

Thus it happens that yours truly arose one fine morning, and, after Jeeves' blessed pick-me-up'er, decided that the far reaches of Slovenia were where one would feel at peace of mind. I bade J pack up the old portmanteau, trusted myself to the care of the local expeditory service, and proceeded to stave off the pursuing melancholies with remedial g&t therapy.

Now, Slovenia is one of those places where, no doubt, Odysseys flitted with his fleet feet to get away from it all, Aristoteles retreated to from his poison-supping proclivities, and any number of huns, nuns, and barbarians passed through on their way from A to B. It is one of those places a bit to the side of all the hectic activities of war, peace, and whatnot. It fairly exudes the aroma of historickal retreatfulness. This is noted by many, and they proceed to follow tradition, and to occupy one's intended lodging. Yours truly was flabbergasted to learn that one's prime spots were all taken, veritably packed like tins of herrings, some of the unfortunate ones brimming over and falling out of the windows. Trusty J did manage to secure accommodation in some seedy hovel on the edges of Ljubljana, but this was decidedly not the grand entré, the majestick hawk-like descent onto the unsuspecting society, one might have intended.

Still, one must take these things as they come. Compensating any hardships, all this Presence by the Masses was greeted by the locals with merriment and festivity; streets were filled with bands on stands, performing local and exotick song and dance, beer flowed freely, the heart-warming chatter of the multitudes lounging about on warm summer evenings along canal and cafe assaulted the ear like the surf of the sea (when said does this in the pleasant, mostly swooshing way, not the pounding surf of doom variety). The old section of Ljubljana is endearingly cobbly and somewhat wobbly, the old buildings secrete puddles of hospitable charm, and the castle mount commands with dominating presence the riverside establishments and venues. Most rues of the unfortunate arrival were absolutely wiped away.

(Your reportatory narrator finds it necessary to fade out for the while. I shall fade like the wind, but will present for your enjoyment a picture J scratched up while YT was enjoying the more cultural aspects of the night life. J says he was considered quite the little artist in his youthful years, dabbing pigment here and there to considerable adoration of the teacher-kind.)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Live sine-curvacious musick

These two Finnish gentlemen performed last week here in the Colonies. The experience was rather interesting. I like it when the sonique base (as opposed to the architectural base) rattles my rib-cage... But let's see what others are saying:

Q: Can you describe your music?
Pan Sonic: Compare it to a food. If our music was a food it would be well done Japanese sushi, raw fish. That's how we would like our music to be, very simple and pure. We are also trying to avoid using too much production which is comparable to using spices and preparing the food. Sushi is quite similar to our music, just raw fish and a little rice.

Seeing Pan Sonic perform live has never been a letdown for me. Sometimes it's noisier, sometimes it's more ambient, but it's always loud and intense. The Mercury Lounge show was a top performance, a study in contrast between utter brutality and perfect calm -- brutal in the sense of a near-intolerably loud barrage of essentially pure noise (I still don't know how people go to Pan Sonic shows and seem surprised at the decibels!), but calming because if you yield yourself, there's nothing quite like letting your mind and body wallow in the sound. (Micah Stupac)

And on a different note: the first female space tourist!

Ta ta

Monday, September 11, 2006

Hoax of the day

Some cheeky bastards have the nerve! Is nothing sacred anymore? An institution such as the British Museum deserves better ;) Where is this Mr. Banksy, and why has Scotland Yard taken him in already (for some in-depth 'questoning)??


Flight of Fancy

One evening last week I met with two other ex-patriates in order to sample and savour excellent single malt whiskies. Naturally we went to my favourite single malt whiskey proprietor, Keen's in Mid-Towne Manhattan. This watering hole has a long tradition of entertaining the most distinguished clientele. Unfortunately modern anti-smoking laws prohibit a gentleman from lighting up his favourite clay-pipe to accompany and enhance the whiskey. But nonetheless, the whiskey was good. All 3 of us chose the Whiskey Flight, a sampling of 4 whiskeys. By a stroke of luck, our goode bartender decided to replace the 10-yr Springbank with a 34-yr version, for the same price! Which was nice. After the whiskey was imbibed & enjoyed properly, my compatriots decided to have a round of beer, while I opted for a soothing Port. Although I usually don't hold the Sandeman Estate in the highest regard, I must complement their 2000 LBV! Should you find a bottle at your purveyor, I highly recommend purchasing one for the cool evenings by the fireplace.
That's all for now; perhaps Wensworth will entertain us next with some tales from the Adriatic?!

Paddlewick, whiskey connoseur

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Sunday, March 26, 2006

citius, altius, fortius

Gentlemen, the age of supersonique travel is getting nigh. This could considerably shorten my travel time between the Olde and New Worlds!


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Furry Lobsters!

Albino hairy monster from the Deep!
Could this lead to water-proof mittens?

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Rooibos tea with soy milk recommended

Oh, another cosy yet a little dull winter evening spent at my humble quarters in the village of Kallio. Suffering from slight insomnia, my greatest delights ( in particular now that my beloved television has passed away - I knew it was coming, but aye, these things always seem to come as a surprise in the end. Perhaps I shall get a cat instead - or finally finish my thesis...) remain a nice cup of Rooibos tea with just a hint of soy milk and a rather gothic view of the Church from my window that I've become so familiar with during the past year. Good for the soul this shall be? Well, friends and strangers alike, I certainly hope so. Good and kind spirits are what we all need at these difficult times!

So, I would like to thank dear Walther for the magnificent time I had during my wee visit to the New Yorke! I must say I was so impressed and had the most cracking time ever - especially after that little ennui with my stomach had been overcome. Great city, great company, what more can a modest lady like myself wish for!

Yours Truly,

Lady Anna Poppins

P.S. For Health and Safety, remember to wash yer hands Carefully before you have yer daily Tea!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Proper hydration

Greetings, Paddlewick & Wensworth here reporting from the 'Centre of the World', a.k.a. 'Kuopijon torj ja Mualiman Napa' in local parlance. Here we can be seen enjoying our afternoon tea with a sip of Cognac. Proper hydration & warmth are essential when traveling in the Nordic Winter Wunderlands!

In other news of Exploration:
Steve Fossett, Esq, recently managed to circumnavigate the globe in one of his flying contraptions. Crazy or not, we salute you. Well done, sir, well done!