Or, cities, to be more precise. This Summer's push-bike touring took me through several very pleasant Finnish "summer cities", here in a handy Video-graphy for your viewing pleasure (now with sound!!)
Ta ta!
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
It is B52 time!!
Me and me whiskers in San Marino's "1st tower"
For over a decade now, Wensworth and I have had a traditional sundowner when aboard: the B52. Especially when we visit a country or capital therebefore unknown to us, we shall try to order a B52. So as I was stomping up the hills and alleys of San Marino, I thought to myself, "Whut-ho, this is exactly the kind of spot to enjoy one of our traditional Foreign Capital B52s!"
So I went to a nice bar on one of the alleys, and asked for the drink. Unfortunately the bar-tender knew not of what I was on about. So I explained the ingredients, and he happily set about to mix me the concoction.
Again, unfortunately, I failed to tell him the method of mixology, so he proceeded to pour the ingredients over ice, and shake vigorously. Here, then, is my first ever shaken, not stirred, B52 with bits of ice! A nice enough drink, as it happens, but not a proper B52. Oh well, what we must suffer for science and exploration!
Shaken, not stirred!
So I went to a nice bar on one of the alleys, and asked for the drink. Unfortunately the bar-tender knew not of what I was on about. So I explained the ingredients, and he happily set about to mix me the concoction.
Again, unfortunately, I failed to tell him the method of mixology, so he proceeded to pour the ingredients over ice, and shake vigorously. Here, then, is my first ever shaken, not stirred, B52 with bits of ice! A nice enough drink, as it happens, but not a proper B52. Oh well, what we must suffer for science and exploration!
So later I found meself in Monaco, or Monte Carlo as the italiand call it (Monaco, apparently, could mean München, which was not where I wanted to go...). After making a killing at the Casino, it was once again time for a sundowner.
By this time me moustache was desperately trying to make an escape...
(perhaps it wanted back to the Casino, in the background?)
Unfortunately the first couple of bars had trouble understanding such magickal mystical ingredients as "Kahlua", but the third time was the charm. Curiously the fellow "built" the famously layered drink into a rather narrow whisky sniffer. Also, he acted hastily, causing the Baileys and Cointreau to mix, which caused a somewhat unappetizing chemical reaction:
When back in Rome, it was time to do as the Romans do. Actually our little tradition dates back to a certain bar in Rome, back in the previous decade/century/millenium, so as a curious lark I decided to see if the good olde watering hole was still in business. Alas, it is! The Big Hilda bar/cafe still operates in Trastevere! They had done away with the fat Hippopotamus in their logo, but otherwise it is much the same bar. They even have the B52 right on their drink list. As I chatted with the barmaid about (lack of) hippos and what-not, she expertly built the drink into a cocktail glass and lit the Cointreau on fire! Ah, brings back memories of ye goode old tymes!
This is how it is done, with a straw and Cointreaou on fire!

(perhaps it wanted back to the Casino, in the background?)
When back in Rome, it was time to do as the Romans do. Actually our little tradition dates back to a certain bar in Rome, back in the previous decade/century/millenium, so as a curious lark I decided to see if the good olde watering hole was still in business. Alas, it is! The Big Hilda bar/cafe still operates in Trastevere! They had done away with the fat Hippopotamus in their logo, but otherwise it is much the same bar. They even have the B52 right on their drink list. As I chatted with the barmaid about (lack of) hippos and what-not, she expertly built the drink into a cocktail glass and lit the Cointreau on fire! Ah, brings back memories of ye goode old tymes!

A big Thank You to the Big Hilda for a good drink!
That is all for now. Until next time, drink responsibly!
Ta ta
That is all for now. Until next time, drink responsibly!
Ta ta
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Tour de Naesijaervi
Last weekend 'twas time again for the annual Tour de Naesijarvi out there in and around the "Manchester of Finland". Our team, known originally two years ago as "Team HOT BAT" due to the initials of the participants, had this time around diminished into the rather less impressive "Team BH", as Messiers Squirrels, Hopewell, Mynxter et al had caught the flu, important business matters, or laziness.
My morning got to a less than stellar start, as I managed to over-sleep, and found myself with a quite paltry 20 minutes to get to the train. I did make it with minutes to spare (!), but had to skip the morning tea in progress. And as you all know, breakfast is an important part of a day like this!
Nevertheless, Hopewell's cousin Mr. Hulqoe and I arrived in "Manchester" with ample time for our final preparations, and off we went! 134 km of road ahead of us, sunny weather, yet the temperature was slightly below 10C, forcing us to wear long shirts or jackets, and gloves - this in the middle of June, for heaven's sake! I expected more from the organizers!
Below are some pictures from along the route:
The starting grid around 9:42 AM
I swear the Photography Apparatus has a mind of its
own: this here is its impression of the Tower of the Naesi-Needle
Past the half-way mark, the Locks of Murolee. This is just
after a long and fun downhill and before some hard climbs,
so everybody just shoots by. This time I wanted to stop and
smell the proverbial roses.
Liquid balance is most important in outings like this
Mr. Hulqoe somewhere out there
Typical bucolic landscape of the Manchester region
My morning got to a less than stellar start, as I managed to over-sleep, and found myself with a quite paltry 20 minutes to get to the train. I did make it with minutes to spare (!), but had to skip the morning tea in progress. And as you all know, breakfast is an important part of a day like this!
Nevertheless, Hopewell's cousin Mr. Hulqoe and I arrived in "Manchester" with ample time for our final preparations, and off we went! 134 km of road ahead of us, sunny weather, yet the temperature was slightly below 10C, forcing us to wear long shirts or jackets, and gloves - this in the middle of June, for heaven's sake! I expected more from the organizers!
Below are some pictures from along the route:

own: this here is its impression of the Tower of the Naesi-Needle

after a long and fun downhill and before some hard climbs,
so everybody just shoots by. This time I wanted to stop and
smell the proverbial roses.

Let's hope the whole Team Hot Bat will be able to ride next year! Meanwhile, keep on pedalling!
Paddlewick, esq.
Paddlewick, esq.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
True Explorers
This week I am honoured to introduce two real-life explorers of the push-bike kind: Mr. Pete and Ms. Daniela. Recently I was doing research into a possible jaunt up to Nordkapp, I came accross Mr. Pete's blogge. And as I was reading it, it dawned to me that he was actually cycling in Finland at the moment! So I dispatched an Elektronik Message to him, inviting them to stop by if/when they reached Helsinki. My motives were not totally altruistic, of course, since I figured I could get some first-hand information about push-biking in the Finnmark...
They did reach Helsinki eventually, and I showed them around town a bit. They then sailed south to Estonia to continue their south-ward expedition.
I tip my (top)hat to them and heartily wish them the best of luck, and many puncture-free miles!!
Paddlewick, Esq, Society Hospitality Coordinator
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sunny day to Bårgeaux
This past Sunday was a perfectly mild & sunny day for a leisurely pedal to the historic Bårgeaux, about 50km east of Helsinki, along the coast. The trip was organized by "push-bike couriers", so the mode of transportation was mostly of the fixed-gear type. We had a nice piquenique in the town, climbed to the recently renovated Church, and the took the old King's Highway back.
Quite exhausting in the end, especially considering my previous record on a fixie was only 70km :)
I'm looking forward to next cycle trips, possibly Lapland this summer?! Perhaps I'll see some of you on the trails and highways!
Ta ta
Paddlewick, Society Fixed Gear Supervisor
PS. A Goldfrapp version of the Musick Video lies here.
Quite exhausting in the end, especially considering my previous record on a fixie was only 70km :)
I'm looking forward to next cycle trips, possibly Lapland this summer?! Perhaps I'll see some of you on the trails and highways!
Ta ta
Paddlewick, Society Fixed Gear Supervisor
PS. A Goldfrapp version of the Musick Video lies here.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Park life
Here, may I present You another push-biking videography. But despair not, for this one is somewhat different from the last one: this was "shot" with the apparatus attached to my top-hat, thus resulting in a first-person perspective (or POV as the professionals call it).
Without further ado, enjoy (and join us next time)!
Without further ado, enjoy (and join us next time)!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Push-biking in the Snow
Jeeves tells me one can add Video-graphy to the News-letters these days. Will the Wonders ever cease, I say! So let us try our hands at this new Moving Picture phenomenon:
If it works properly, You should be able to observe Mr. Squirrelton and Yours Truly engaging in some fun deep-snow exploration in the distant forests of Middle- and Upper Helsinki, accompanied by some classical music.
Last week was even more fun, because the snow was dryer & harder; unfortunately the creeping Spring-time softens the snow, and makes for more labourous pedalling.
Ta ta!
Paddlewick, Society Winter Bicycle Excursion Coordinator
If it works properly, You should be able to observe Mr. Squirrelton and Yours Truly engaging in some fun deep-snow exploration in the distant forests of Middle- and Upper Helsinki, accompanied by some classical music.
Last week was even more fun, because the snow was dryer & harder; unfortunately the creeping Spring-time softens the snow, and makes for more labourous pedalling.
Ta ta!
Paddlewick, Society Winter Bicycle Excursion Coordinator
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Keep in mind, in your daily dalliances and revelationary peregrinations, the wise words of this this gentleman.
In the meanwhile, it pleases Yours Truly to announce the success of several small scale sojourns to observe Small Local Flora & Fauna; and to observe Mr. Paddlewick & co, via The Orient Realm Of Japonia and the Northern Realms of Canadia. Much Brisk & Healthy snow activity was enjoyed.
Captain Jack carefully proof-reading the
instructions for the Tube before enbarking
on the wild ride down the hill
Lady S & Cap'n Jack after the harrowing ride
Keep in mind, in your daily dalliances and revelationary peregrinations, the wise words of this this gentleman.
In the meanwhile, it pleases Yours Truly to announce the success of several small scale sojourns to observe Small Local Flora & Fauna; and to observe Mr. Paddlewick & co, via The Orient Realm Of Japonia and the Northern Realms of Canadia. Much Brisk & Healthy snow activity was enjoyed.
instructions for the Tube before enbarking
on the wild ride down the hill
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