Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Keep in mind, in your daily dalliances and revelationary peregrinations, the wise words of this this gentleman.

Wensworth pointing at a pinnacle

Paddlewick peering into the blinding fog

In the meanwhile, it pleases Yours Truly to announce the success of several small scale sojourns to observe Small Local Flora & Fauna; and to observe Mr. Paddlewick & co, via The Orient Realm Of Japonia and the Northern Realms of Canadia. Much Brisk & Healthy snow activity was enjoyed.

Captain Jack carefully proof-reading the
instructions for the Tube before enbarking
on the wild ride down the hill

Lady S & Cap'n Jack after the harrowing ride

A bald eagle on Bainbridge Island, with Seattle as backdrop

Lounging at Bainbridge

Hearty Thank-Yous to all friends and family who helped make the trip enjoyable!
Until we meet again, god bless & godspeed!

Paddlewick, esq.
Wensworth, esq.

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