having recently surveyed the deep South, it is my solemn duty to bring you news that the noble culture of Cider has collapsed, apparently the result of vicious warfare between the greater evil of Strongbow and the lesser one of Mercury. The Good Old Homelands are the last bastion of decent scrumpy. We mourn.

Other than this shocking development, our survey was exceedingly educational and refreshing. Various wildlife was encountered, and we can finally lay to rest the suspicion that the Southern Areas have no snakes: we spotted two of the three species on this Island. The Tasmanian Devil brought us particular joy by presenting itself at our camp site; alas, twilight rapidly encroaching, our Photographuerre was not able to capture it on fickle film.
We regret to announce that the Passage to the Center of the World was not located this time, either.
Yours in &c, &c,
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