we here at the Society Papers offices have received and advanced copy of some very proper Traveller's Advices, soon to be found in finer Book Merchants near You. With(out) kind permission, I here offer you a glimpse of quite an important section within the book, regarding alcoholics and decent behaviour while overseas:
(we regret the bad quality of the printing, due to the proof-reading stage and copyright issues)

That said, let us all wet our whistle with, and by, exotic locals when possible and safe!
Paddlewick, Society Papers Editor
1 comment:
What bally-ho!
It is absolutely essential that we further understanding, compassion, and camaraderie by partaking in the most noble of cultural traditions, that of sipping oneself under the table.
Ne'ertheless, good job, old chap, with the archives; and the G&T can never be overemphasized, can it now.
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