Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Up the Hudson

This past Weekend, also know as a holy-day weekend here in the Colonies, it being the weekend following the traditional late-November Thanksging Day, I and two friends embarked on a jaunt 'up-state', more specifically following the River Hudson north so as to visit a few local vineyards in the region. Early morn we met at a Mid-Town garage to fetch our rental carriage. Our route took us through Manhattan and The Bronx, then past Sleepy Hollow & Pleasantville. We crossed the River at Tappen Zee Bridge. Once on the West Sai'id (as the natives here say), we did not stop until the towne by the name of New Paltz. The town was small and charming in an All-Americana way. Soon outside we found our first and best Vineyard, the Adler Winery. The jolly proprietor kept us well entertained, informed & imbibed! The establisment holds place in a two-century olde barn. His wines are small-batch, hand-crafted and natural ingredients only. He derailed against the Modern Californian wine Industry for using sneaky shortcuts in producing mass-produced wine for the plebeians, who often know not better. Anyway, we bought a few bottles, and plan to return next Spring/Summer when they host Cajun and Pasta parties on the premises.

Inside the Barn

A kettle of Tea for the weary Journey-man

Our newt two destinations were not worth mentioning. The terrain, however, is somewhat foresty up there. Some light snow & ice covered the ground. The fall foliage was over, so the landscape was rather bare & brown.

A whimsical down-spout at Whiteridge

Our last place was the oldest vineyard in these United States. The compund was rather charming. They had an impressive variety of wines, as they also represent some neighbour vineyards. The definite find here was the 100% fermented honey, also known as Ethiopian Honey Wine. I promptly purchased a few bottles for future use & gifts.
After all this, it was the time for us to head back to the City. After such an oenophilial journey, all I could do was crack open a bottle of Adler's Blackcurrant Kir and enjoy a good book...
That's all for now; keep on sipping and experimenting fine beverages!

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