Greetings, Gentlemen and Ladies!
This Autumn yours truly was due to visit Friends & Family in the Colonies. As I arranged for the usual journey to Seattle, I began to dream of a longer expedition, namely one down the West Coast, towards the Sun and the Sand! At first I thought perhaps San Francisco would be a suitable destination, as I had so far failed to visit the fair city. However, after I enquired some of my Scandinavian friends, if any of them would be interested in and available for a bonhomie trip, my plans began to evolve. Mr. Tribelet agreed to join me, for he could strike two birds with one stone: visit his student-time host family in the Montana Territories, and ride down an "epique" Road-Trippe, the whole length of the West Coast of the United States! For our plan eventually reached the logical conclusion, that we should take a flying start from North of the Border, Vancouver, and ride on down South of the Border, Tijuana (not Taco Bell, mind you). That started to look like a respectable stretch of road by any-ones standards, and yet we did not have unlimited time in our (hour) hands. Thus we put Jeeves on task to solve the logistickal side, while we plotted which breweries & distilleries we would like to get to know along the way!
But, before i get to the hundreds of Photo-Graphics, here are a few sketches from the Journey:
Seattle, taken from a ferry crossing ye Puget Sound. Not pictured:
two Coast Guard boats with mounted machine guns, escorting &
protecting the Ferry, lest some Terrorists had the idea to mark
the 10th anniversary with some additional Fire Works! The ferry
two Coast Guard boats with mounted machine guns, escorting &
protecting the Ferry, lest some Terrorists had the idea to mark
the 10th anniversary with some additional Fire Works! The ferry
ride is always nice, as the approach into Seattle is one of the
greatest urban views that I know...

in Suquamish. Our destination that day was the Museum of Glass,
which is there because the influence and fame of Mr. Dale Chihuly,
a Tacoma native/resident. The Museum is nice, and it has greatly
revitalized the previously run-down Tacoma waterfront. Well worth
the visit. The sea-voyage up and down the Puget Sound was also
nice and sunny. One could see a huge wild-fire in the Olympic

had to bow in and buy myself a brolly. I quickly proceeded to leave
it behind in a Moving-pictures Theatre, forgetful as I am! But I was
not the only one, so to limit my foul upset mood, I picked up some-one
else's more expensive brolly from the same theatre. What goes around,
comes around, I reckon. The next day was nicer, and we met with Signore
Forte & Lady Barbara at the new High Line, a mile-long park snaking
it's way through west side of Manhattan on long-abandoned elevated
rail tracks. A splendid idea and great execution, New Yorkers! The
evening was capped with meeting an old Rome colleague Mr. Matt,
and playing Amusement-Games in goode olde Hipsterburg. Oh,
and hearty Thank-Yous to Ms. Tiia & Mr. Kiran for the
More to follow at a later time. Until then, enjoy the 'fall foliage', and do not forget a good dram o' whiskey!
Ta ta,
Paddlewick, Society Coastal Expedition Expert & Coordinator
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