a truly delightful light show was observed here at the Antipodean chapter yesterday. Splendid! Bravo! One does not exaggerate as one says that the flashes were more frequent than at a Celebratory Personage's divorce announcement address.
Heavens! What could have provoked the aboriginal gods to such rage? Perhaps Wensworth has unknowingly disgraced a sacred tomb or temple on his explorations?
At first I thought the photographer is playing a trick on us by playing the said filmographque at an accelerated pace to create an overly dramatic impression of the natural phenomenon. But at hinder sight the filmographque does appear authentic.
Take care on your voyage back to the old continent.
I say! Disturbingly impressive! Just the perfect weather for flying your Kite & Brass Key!
Heavens! What could have provoked the aboriginal gods to such rage? Perhaps Wensworth has unknowingly disgraced a sacred tomb or temple on his explorations?
At first I thought the photographer is playing a trick on us by playing the said filmographque at an accelerated pace to create an overly dramatic impression of the natural phenomenon. But at hinder sight the filmographque does appear authentic.
Take care on your voyage back to the old continent.
Maj. C
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