Dear Ladies & Gentlemen,
I shall journey "Down Under" for a few weeks of R&R and bicyckling in The Colonies. I'll try to update this Blogge a couple of times per week, as my circumstances and constitution allows. I'm also hoping that Jeeves can keep track of my ... track, so to say, in form of an Electronick Map (or somesuch) and Photographics (Jeeves knows these things better). So keep an eye on this space and wish me luck!
Yours truly etc,
W.P. Paddlewick, the Society Antipodean Bicyckling Expedition Organizer
Jolly good show, old boy!
I wish Thee good fortune on your heroic adventure.
We here at the Society await eagerly to see your electrographic reports from your Tour de Australié.
May your path cross many marvels!
PS. Remember to give a sturdy handshake to dear Wensworth from YT, if you happen bump into the old chap in the colonies!
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