Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Exploring Fisk-Arse, or "There and Back"
This past weekend, a friend of mine, a certain Mr. Squirrels, esq, and I, took a pleasant locomotive trip out west. Once we reached Karjaa, some 90 km from Hellsinki, we stepped off and unloaded our bicyckles. A short jaunt later, we found ourselves in the village of Fiskars, the home of sturdy home utensils many here in Finland seem to love. The village is small, sprung up around a small waterfall for industrial purposes. Now it is mainly home for many artistes and handicrafters.
We had a nice piquenique by a lake. Good olde Jeeves had pre-packed some delicious sandwiches along. Afterwards, we started our way back towards Helsinki, passing through many a bucolic landscape. The weather was very pleasant, almost summer-like. Visually, however, the fields that would later on in the summer-time be gently wawing with golden wheat, where now yet but just dusty-coloured flat stretches of unremarkable soil.
Unfortunately my bicyckle suffered a severe tyre damage about half-way through. But, like any good Society member, we were Always Prepared to deal with such misfortunes, and the proper pressure was soon reinstated.
All in all, some 125 km in the saddle does give one a rather good impression of one's peripheria. We shall be doing more bi-pedaling this summer, in and around Southern Finland.
Yours truly,
W. M. Paddlewick, Director of the Society Bicyckle & Crosscountry Division
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Upholding the Tradition

While the discussion on the Official Rules of Realm Points rages, yours truly took the generous view: this flaming concoction, ordered and quaffed in Hong Kong, marks a new spot on the globe with the unofficial House Rule of downing a B52 in any Capital, Major Site of Interest, or Other Suitable Location. It is a pleasure to report that the whole compared favorably to some of the Colonies, and the mix was slightly larger than a thimble, but one of the more memorable downings it was not.
Wensworth, HMRSSE MIO
Mission Reportage

Tuesday, 5th of May
Dear colleagues of the Society;
while HMRSSE special section rules forbid me from divulging the full extent and impact of my secret mission, items of interest to the Society as a whole can be presented for future referral, once screened by the appointed official Mission Censor. (Who is a Royal Paine and Barrier to the Free Flow of Information, but, then again, the censor is no more than a victim of necessity, and there are times when necessity does, indeed, arise.)
One of the items that good old MC let through, only slightly edited, is the following photographique of mysterious metallic artefactes left by unknown entities on a flat rock surface, encountered on perimeter expeditions of our target area. More documentation is safely locked in the good old travel chest, and one looks forward to the time one may give a Speculative Lecture of Scientific Disposition on the nature of the radiative thinges.
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